
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

[Pusat Informasi Beasiswa] New Zealand Scholarship 2013 at University of Auckland

Pusat Informasi Beasiswa has posted a new item, 'New Zealand Scholarship 2013 at
University of Auckland'

Beasiswa Selandia Baru New Zealand Scholarship 2013 at University of Auckland
The Scholarship was established in 2011 and is funded by alumni of the Faculty
of Engineering who studied at The University of Auckland under the Colombo Plan,
together with other donors.
The main purpose of the Scholarship is to assist international students who are
citizens of Colombo Plan member countries, to study undergraduate or
postgraduate engineering programmes at The University of Auckland.
Selection process:
Full-time enrolment in a Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) or any postgraduate degree programme in the Faculty of Engineering.
The Scholarship will be awarded to an international student who is a citizen of
one of the following countries: Afganistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, India,
Indonesia, Iran, Japan, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia,
Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, the United States of America and Vietnam
How do students apply?
Applications by way of a form and CV close with the Scholarships Office on 31
March in the year of the award.
For guidelines, application forms and more information about this award contact:
The Scholarship Office
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92 019
New Zealand
Phone: (09) 373 7599 -Ext: 87494
More detil info, Follow this link :

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Best regards,
Pusat Informasi Beasiswa