My name is Kat, and I’m reaching out to artists and labels on behalf of AdRev -
At AdRev, we make you money by finding other peoples’ YouTube videos containing your music and running ads on those videos. This revenue is COMPLETELY different than the money you make from your own channel and videos.
The process couldn’t be easier.
There’s no obligation until you upload and submit your songs, so sign up for an account at and check out the interface. If you have any questions, feel free to visit our FAQ page at
AdRev has several integrations to help with the uploading process. You can submit single songs through direct upload or multiple songs via SoundCloud, Dropbox, or FTP.
AdRev finds all the videos on YouTube containing your music and get you paid for them. See how we stack up against our competitors at
Drop a line if you have any questions.
All the best,
Katherine Foster
AdRev Artist Support
AdRev Artist Support